Showing posts with label snood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snood. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Wrap up

Snoods, Russian hats, woollen socks and mittens...anything would do. 

There's no particular rule to winters' wrapping up because when it is cold it is flipping cold...and usually I just stop carrying and dun my favourite sheepskin and turn into a happy-bubbly little gnome. However there is a way of how to give your bulky silhouette a less chubby and more appealing look -  by breaking it into two main parts: leading and accompanying. 

For example make your snood (if it is as voluminous as mine) - a leading accent. Remember that the coat would need to be monochrome, tight fit or at least straight (if you want your snood to "pop"). And a hat will be an accompaniment hence -a small beanie hat or a beret would be perfect. This way wearing a bulky scarf or snood will give harmonic dynamics to the silhouette and will salvage your look from clumsiness...also will disguise all the festive eating evidence.

My Russian hat is rather small and is not fury on the outer side, so it goes with my  rule number one. You can deem it a petite headgear :)

If, however, you find yourself crying to wear a massive piece of headpiece, the accent then would fall onto your very top of the body.

The best would be to refrain from knitted shoulder and neck accessories. If needing a scarf use a thin scarf from wool or silk, that you could line against your neck and chest not creating too many creases. I use a green version of a short woollen scarf I brought from Edinburgh. But the ideal would be a polo neck jumper or jersey.