Showing posts with label inspiratons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiratons. Show all posts

Saturday 4 August 2012

Rihanna, the ultimate *********

I am sorry I can't type the word. Even a dutch magazine'e editor in chief had to resign over a joky review on the singer (read here), which in reality was a mere appraisal of Rihanna, but the diva along with her PR's and managers lacked a sense of humour that day and thought it was unfair of others using the same vernacular as she does in her songs. You see, Ri, not everything in life is pon-de-replay and fu*king over a birthday cake and you do need to read between the lines occasionally.
Rihanna captivates my attention a lot. Her aggressive looks, a ********* attitude and the ostensibly continuous relationship with Chris Brown.
But what bewilders me the most is not when she gets it right (stylewise), but when the ********* cocks up and dunns something utterly wrong; thence I draw my inspirations from. You may think it is queer but I'd challenge you to remember if you've seen a person on the street wearing the same item that you've got and you telling yourself that he/she deffinitely got i wrong and it looks nothing as good as on you. So am I right then?
Even though this kind of method is so much less powerfull than a straightforward inspirations from celebrities and glossy magz' skinny b-ches, but here Ive got a little thing that got me completely bonkers.
The pyjama garment by Emillio Pucci that Rihanna wore at The Battleship Premiere:

Despite that it is one of the trickiest trends and I'd rather drop it than wear it in a full suit, she went for the challenge and I think she got it wrong. Wearing the trousers as loose as the top and in the same texture and fabric will only make your silhouette disappear in endless draperies that don't even drape properly as the silky material is just too weightless.
Here's my interpretation of pyjama elements in your garderobe:

and of course the same trousers featured before:

Friday 22 July 2011

Highlights of the Graduate Fashion Show

As the summer weather seem to have come to a halt, the mood for summery patterns has also downgraded a bit.  Half the season to go until the autumn collections, hence highstreet retailers pour out their old stock remnants under banners of ostensibly humongous discounts for horrendous rags of clothes.

In order not to succumb to a fashion distraught, please recharge with these highlights from the recent graduate show of UK's fashion students. 

Rather fresh and slick-to-wear apparels will give a food for your thoughts regarding upcoming season.

Thursday 16 September 2010

New inspirations- looking back

Following a new fad on 70's.

"The Irony of Fate" 1975 (USSR)
When it comes to fashion I enduringly keep having bursts of 'gut feelings', and this autumn was not an exception.
Before my dear mother rang me, inquiring whether I had seen the recent issue of Bazaar, which I need to admit I did not, she solemnly announced to me me that ‘the browns were back’. 

Colour palettes in fashion are always dictated by season. Changing weather conditions, darker days and maroon folliage makes it compulsorily to replace summer outfits onto cashmere knits.  This is why we find fuscous colours prevailing in autumn and  fairer in spring. But if the last couple of years proceeded under the banner of all shades of grey this time it is overtaken by the old-school browns.
Chloe A/W collection

Jersey, wool and crêpe de Chine (which you won't be able to find these days, but the advantage of it was that it did not crease- at all) accompany the melody of browns.
Due to  evolving manufacturing and cheap production costs jersey was especially popular and broadly available then on the market . 

But wearing jersey-made clothes can gravily disadvantage your look if worn improperly. The fabric has a tendency to visually enhance bodily curves. "Not to be flattered at any times" , these are not sort of curves that you imagine could make you look phisically appealing.  Jersey, along with most of the close-fitting knitted textiles visually enlarges your body provided  that it repeats the shape of your body but also layers that extra thickness. Also it produces multiple  creases and protuberant masses of material in a waist area. In short it does not flow. 

The good thing about repetitive cicles of fashion- it gives you a chance to learn from our own fashion contempts- commited in the past.  But fashion is so intervined with human psychology and perception of emotions that it gets  almost impossible to resist temtation of 'commiting a fashion assault' once again.
Of course repetitive circles do change as the textile industry develops along with other sectors of production. And the 'new era jersey' has become much more flexible and pliable to our desires, still advantageous in providing warmth and comfort.

The advice would be to combine various materials. 
As the jersey top/sweater/polo neck would perfectly go with a wool skirt or trousers. Wool is also heavier which grants you an elegance.

A duet of knits and leather would also guarantee you a  'fashion visa' into this season. Consider something of an aviator look, as offered by Burberry (right). 

And if this seems to be just nice, but feels like 'needing some boost', a bright detail would do the trick. Whether a  bright shirt's collar, a tie, or  an accessory of your own choise would liven up any too 'standoffish' look. Be creative and put some zest into it, just don't overdo.