Showing posts with label dapper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dapper. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 May 2013 be foretold the [British] weather?!

“But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand.” 
― Jerome K. JeromeThree Men in a Boat

As I was pondering on how to mould my excuses on delaying with this Tweedrun post since April, as we are just tiptoeing at the threshold of the summer;  the sudden spell of "lovely" British weather has spared me the hassle.

My repetitive tweed-blab is the most sensible thing to write about these days.
Welcome the sartorialists:

The only serious vehicle that we had on the ground was from The Chap magazine journalists! 
Here they come the trendy gang.

The Tweedrun took place in April, at a very moderate speed cruising through Marylebone, Regent Street, Picadilly and Trafalgar. Strictly tweed and vintage bikes only.

The convoy of dapperly dressed chaps and ladies arrived to their tea party.
Myself and a couple more volunteers were  in charge of brewing loose Earl Grey tea in hundreds of teapots for the riders. At some point a cake was served but we missed this bit amidst all the heebiejeebies of serving tea.

Hello you two!

mmm, nothing offensive but you seriously look like a Russian man, dude! Levin may be?

He never photographed me back! This is just rude :)

A couple of volunteers that were helping to run the event made a hell of an effort, not only making the party great and filling everyone with litres of aromatic tea, but also turning up in such spruce outfits!

These gloves make me think of Madonna! 

Blatant daylight robbery!

And I still hate yellow socks

Anna Akhmatova's flipping ghost! 

Guten tag herr Furrer!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Teaser, taster, tweed & jaeger

 Just as you are about to maroon my overactive blog, I am going to throw at you this vampish look. Yes, I have more of that to come which will sweep you off your stilettos {or your vintage bike perhaps?}

So grip onto your handlebars and get ready to storm London, as we are heading into what it looks like a traditionally British summer. Thence I suggest you rethink your bikinis and get some serious layers out...and a pump....just in case...

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The dapper and the dappiest...

As seen at the Tweed Run.
According to the official Tweed Run facebook page, the gentleman on the left was honoured "Cordings Most Dapper Chap". Congratulations Mr Elliot.

tweed run, retro, vintage, fashion, bicycle, London, gentleman style, wool

The image courtesy of Tweed Run's facebook page